Thursday, November 04, 2010

Things are getting crazy around here.

Now that Little E is feeling better and I'm feeling better it's time to get back to work. However I'm getting things mixed up and forgetting things left and right.

First I knitted 5 inches of my commissioned throw today, and forgot to put in the cable twist every 2 inches. Ripping it out was stressful trying to keep it from running and the baby out of the ravelings. I thought I would take a break from knitting and get some quilting done, Now I can't find my project folder for the quilt I need to cut out. I dashed an email off to the client and went to focus on something else. Now I know why I wasn't taking a lot of orders while Tiger wasn't in school. I tried working on the quilt in my frame but the baby kept ripping it off the frame. I have some stitches to rip out now. I guess I'm going to have to start working at night and sleeping in the floor while the baby plays in the playroom just to get money for Christmas.

Oh I also broke an agreement today. I took something personally and fired off a post to reply. Now I'm even more on edge. Mentally kicking my own tail for climbing into the ring of verbal sparring instead of walking away.

As I mentioned I forgot to do some things today. I meant to take prescriptions to the pharmacy and pick up snacks for Tiger's class. Left the scrips at home and was so ticked at the store I just got the formula and sippy cups I had to buy and left. Made an extra stop at the bank to deposit a check though, glad I found that. Shoulda put it in the other bank though. Forgot the recycling.

I should stop complaining and go fix supper. lol, nah, I think I'll cut out some pants for the baby. It's just rice. I'll work on the quilt in the frame tonight while Eddie is here to play with the baby.


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