Monday, October 03, 2005

Well I met with the superintendent this morning

I haven't been able to put into words the level of anger and fear, I have felt about this all day.

First he set up the appointment but claims that I didn't confirm it. So he had a meeting that he had to steal time away from. Then we had to wait for the bus supervisor to arrive. They both reitterated all the stuff that I've read and heard quite a few times before. Finally I got to talk and asked the question that has been burning in my mind for a week. Did they pull the tape from G-man's bus and review it? I got told that they did and the tape did not play---it was defective. I almost threw up. Then they said the tapes are only recording when the bus is running. I told them I got my answer. They cannot verify that the driver did not fondle, intimidate or in any way harm my son in that unaccounted hour. I told them that I felt like this incident was being minimalized. They both said they considered themselves huge child advocates and they were sorry but would stand by all that we were told. I told them we were taking G-man to see a therapist to identify the possibility G-man was harmed. The meeting was over then. If I wasn't going to take their word then they had nothing more to say. They did offer one more thing to comfort me. The bus that picks the kids up at the other school now has to sound off that the empty buses are checked before she leaves. With this new security measure in place G-man is welcome to rejoin the babies in the neighborhood on the bus.

I'm going to continue to take him while I need to take Eddie to work as well. I did tell them that G-man would take the bus occassionally this year. Maybe next year he can get back on the morning bus.

Why can't I stop worrying about this? Why do I always imagine the worst? The "What if"'s are killing me.


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