What's been going on since I've been sick
Thursday, I still managed to watch big brother 8. Friday Mother watched Tiger while my sister and her live in drove me to the doctor. Once they left then we had a freak out here when the garage door didn't settle right and made some funky noises as it heated up in the sun. It sounded like some one was crashing around in the garage. man, I wouldn't have panicked like did if G-man hadn't heard it too. He was so great handled being in charge in my not so kid safe bedroom.Saturday the boys understood that I just needed to keep my eyes closed and didn't give me much trouble. My sister watched them the rest of the day though in exchange for some time in the pool.
Sunday, we didn't make it to church. Being fully in charge without any input from me stressed Eddie out too much. I was way too sick to go. I just stayed in bed most of the day.
Monday Eddie cleaned and prepped for my sister's pool party here and his mom called. One of his cousins was killed Sunday night. Debbie's estranged husband knifed her at work then run off. Apparently she was raising her kids and a grandchild so those kids will have to move back to New York to her ailing parents care. Eddie looked it up on line and found a news article called his mom and then his Aunt called. Not the mom, but another aunt. (my mil has 9 siblings) He tells her where he found the article. I found 2 more on Tuesday. I couldn't find a thing about her brother though. In the process of one the conversation Eddie finds out that his other cousin, brother to the deceased has been missing for 2 years. How did that happen?
I realized when we were doing our relatives project a few months back I didn't get near enough information about all of those Aunts and Uncles. We need to get back to that.
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