Saturday, March 24, 2007

well my depression has caused some trouble here

Although I didn't hole up in my room for the night as I usually do on Fridays. The kids are so anxiety filled today that they are busting out all over with tears and tempertantrums.

I have to re-evaluate my thoughts about the offender from yesterday. What rational person can really expect that they can just stop talking to a person and expect that person to be waiting for them to finally get over it? It's not mature and it explains a lot about those cousins and their relationships and commitments to other people.

I know I was once like this. I know that I just walked away from a lot of people by doing stuff like this. I mourned the loss of friendships because I chose to end it this way. That's what this is The END.

I will not be waiting for them to get over it. I will not trust them to treat me as if anything I write is wanted or accepted at face value. Clearly they judge everything I say and twist it to be percieved as me judging them. I'm not really taking it personally either. I just felt utterly disposable and I'm not. You don't treat someone you love this way.

The baby is really bad shape. I was prepared to cuddle him until he truly woke up but he proceeded to throw a painful tempertantrum on my lap. I had to put him down. So far he's maintained the mad so that he could throw his food and drink, hit me and push on my already sore arm. I've put him into time out until he calms. He's quiet so maybe there is hope.



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