G-man's first day of school
Well today was bittersweet and annoying altogether. G-man spent his first 2.5 hours in preschool today. He's in the Early childhood Center in town. It started off badly though. On Meet and Greet night last Thursday we met with the bus driver coordinator for the school. She gave us a spike for the yard to identify us as a stop on the route. She told us that our bus was #42 and it would be by to pick up G-man at 8. She didn't tell us that the bus route in the morning picks up all the students in the area and we would have to walk G-man to the common bus stop 2 blocks away and be there at 7:30. Yep he missed the bus. finally I sped up to the school at 8:30 and tugged him to his class. He fought me hard. There was "his bus" in the parking lot and he wanted to ride on it right then. Once we rounded the corner where the bus was out of sight then he spotted the play ground. I almost cursed. I got him into his class, put away his backpack/mailbox and yelled goodbye. He didn't even look up from the play dough. I huffed my way around the building to get into an arguement with the bus coordinator she told us the wrong time Thursday and the school nurse because she didn't feel comfortable giving G-man an inhaler treatment but the school is not equiped with a nebulizer and I need ours at home for Tiger. I was told of course they don't do front door pick up. I would have to walk the 2 blocks to get him on the bus each morning and I assumed that I would be back out there every afternoon to escort him home. They don't let little ones off the bus without a parent there. I wouldn't be home this time so I called Eddie. Gave him the info and since 7:30 is an hour before school starts I figured he would be one of the first ones home. Eddie was waiting at the supposed spot at 11:15. By noon the bus had not arrived and my imagination was running wild. Finally the bus found Eddie at the designated spot and corrected him. G-man and I or Eddie will have to walk the 2 blocks in the morning but not on the return trip. He will be dropped off at home. Phew!!!! I don't have to drag a wheezy Tiger out every day to pick up his brother.All the extra activity made me late for a job interview and testing. I made that time up this afternoon when Eddie took G-man and Tiger over to Speech and OT. I did make it on time to another interview to do monogramming. I go back for a trial run Wednesday afternoon. Wooohooooo. The other place says she'll try to place me in a temp position at $11-14 an hour. Wouldn't that be nice? Don't waste your prayers on that one. Temp agencies rarely fulfill those juice offerings.