Living on West Tulsa Time
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I heard some sad news today
one of my beloved friends at church has been diagnosed with possible brain tumors. More than one.She's also went through cancer removal and treatment last year and is really suffering under the possibility of additional cancer.
I'm so sad for her. I've only known her 4 years and when I met her she came into my life when I really needed a friend and now she's dealing with tumors again. I mean isn't it a foregone conclusion that if someone just had cancer they would look at the whole body to have all of it removed before they start the treatments that would make something worse?
I don't know. I don't have enough information about it. And well she's at least 70 so facing her life expectancy is hard for me too but to be so wrapped up in my own finacial problems that I didn't see something so dire going on in hers. I feel like such a dufus.
So there's my wake up call, Dont put off the things you want to do. Especially at the church!!! Quit saying I'll sing for them when my lungs get better because there's always a time when they are going to be worse.
Don't wait until next year to read your Bible again or even for the first time because there's no guarrantee that you will have next year. Start today!!!
For those of you whom aren't in my friends list and want to pray for her. Her name is Pat Moore and we need to pray that this will pass quickly leaving her alive and intact.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I've had it with MySpace
I use the blog there to keep my friends and family informed. Those that aren't on my email list. Well it won't let me post anything, Not a blog, not a bulletin, not even respond to my email. Every time Tom says "We're working on something" well I can't do anything.So today I was given a gift, a disgusting gift. Tiger found poop rocks in the toy boxes. I used to find them when I was still working on getting Tiger potty trained and it's possible that they are his from recent accidents but since there have been other kids in the house I don't know. I ran over a few with the vacuum and ew. I can't get the smell out of the vacuum. It's really bad because Tiger found the chalk and has crushed several pieces in the living room. Running the vacuum spreads the smell.
I'm ready for some more sleep. I had better fix lunch first.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My day so far
Well lunch was pretty easy, I made burgers and they ate without having a shouting match. But T was doing some Karate moves in the bedroom and managed to kick G-man and Tiger in the head.G-man was still upset about it and went in there and told T off. Then the shouting match really began.
Luckily they have settled down to color and draw at the table although it keeps me from watching the shows I taped Sunday. Too much sex talk.
Friday, August 10, 2007
My sister called and woke me up
She called about coming in to babysit on Monday. She wanted to know what time. Now I've been giggling and that woke me up. I'm hungry.oh man I tried to call my cousin then trouble broke loose here. My kids were trying to kill each other and G's kids were also at each other's throats. Then I split them up like my cousin and I used to do with our sisters and booom they were at the new partners throats too. The kitchen is a mess. The others are being quiet but T is really really upset about having to sit near the stinky area. The area where he left poop on my floor. He says he can still smell it. Their mother will be coming to pick them up early today.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I'm not making much sense today
you should have heard me leaving voicemail messages for my sister and G. I was a mess.Even Eddie said I wasn't making any sense this morning. I told T to go put his shoes on then stand by the back door. He had his shoes on, they all did, I didn't, and we were going out the front door.
What I needed to say was T needed to take his cup of milk and stand by the front door with it. I needed to lock the back door, which I forgot to do, and I needed to put my shoes on after I gave Tiger his cup of milk and grabbed the pop tarts.
Friday, August 03, 2007
T scared the crap out of me today. I was so upset about him bringing me the molly hook from the ceiling in Tiger's room today. I had to back off for fear of what I might say. I didn't go in there because I was so worried that he had pulled a chunk of my ceiling down.To keep myself calm I tried to convince myself that he didn't put himself at risk by climbing on the loveseat in there, my mind kept trying to rationalize that he had been climbing on the safer alternative, the chest of drawers which is screwed to the bookshelf and wall. Nope!
He climbed on the high back of the loveseat and unscrewed the molly hook from the aparatus in the ceiling. I told him that I was really dissappointed in him. He lied to me, he's been lying to me about the poop in his pants and now he went did something dangerous. I told him that if he chose to disrespect a home that his parents owned, then his parents could deal with that but as of right now he would respect my home and the home his parents live in because he doesn't own either. I left him in there to finish picking up the toys because it's clean up time.